TITLE: Interactive Performance
MENTOR contact:
2130 Yew St, Vancouver, BC, V6K 3G7
604-734-7104, ext 1
Primal Divine is the working company name for managing the projects that Jamie
takes on as an independent interactive designer/artist. Jamie Griffiths is an independent artist
commissioned to create interactive designs for live performance. The range of works that her
company takes on, are listed below. In addition to commissioned performance works for the
stage, there are also grant funded research projects, leading to live performances, often built
during work-intensive theatre residencies.
Jamie has taught guest lectures and workshops on interactive performance designs and the
creative process at conferences and universities in the UK and Canada, and also teaches Isadora
(interactive performance) software workshops to artists in all disciplines and to technical theatre
PRIMAL DIVINE projects encompass the following fields of creation and design:
i) interactive stage & video projection designs for live performance (dance, theatre, opera)
ii) interactive films for performance with orchestra/live music
iii) interactive art installations involving video and interactive software
iv) research for interactive, interdisciplinary performance technologies
Industry Area GOALS:
Goals to be developed with student group in relationship to user interaction
Several projects are currently in development by the company, including:
i) HYBRIDS: interactive video/music performance with Alex Nowitz, opera composer
based in Berlin, using Wii control of sound and imagery. Performed as an improvised live duet.
Research residency to be two weeks in Amsterdam at STEIM research centre in Nov 2008.
ii) WAVELITE: ongoing research and performance project incorporating a “guerilla’ (ie
affordable) video-spotlight system run by DMX & interactive software (Isadora) that can
automatically follow a performer. Also incorporates 3D video projection research and video
tracking. Lighting controlled by vocal performances and motion on stage.
iii) DANCE COMMISSION: TBC an interactive stage design for a live dance
performance at the intersection of Science and Art. A collaboration with ecology scientists at
UBC and a Yukon choreographer.
Website links:
WAVELITE RESEARCH PROJECT http://involutionart.blogspot.com
COMPANY WEBSITES http://www.primaldivine.com, http://www.youtube.com/primaldivine
Project management, video & imaging softwares (photoshop and final cut pro), graphical
programming experience (Max/Msp, Isadora, Processing etc), programming, 3D animation,
video camerawork, digital design software, website development, theatre experience of any kind,
technical crew experience.
The ability to work quickly under pressure is very important in a live theatre environment.
Professional etiquettes exist in theatre and professional live performance industry, so students
must always be willing to learn these and to work quickly, quietly and efficiently under
supervision of the relevant director, under those circumstances. Ability to troubleshoot,
communicate well, and maintain an alert energy with ‘eyes-in-the-back-of-the-head’ are all
very important skill sets to bring into the live performance mix. Also the ability to work to
deadlines is a must.
http://www.troikatronix.com ISADORA SOFTWARE FOR L IVE PERFORMANCE
http://www.knotplot.com 3D KNOT VISUALIZATION SOFTWARE
http://www.osculator.com Wii CONTROLLER SOFTWARE FOR MAC
